Sunday, August 9, 2009


Life is not always a bed of roses. This is almost a rundown statement. When matters don't turn out the way we want them to be, we always say this. I ask, is there more to this? Is it just a matter of shrugging our shoulders and saying, what can we expect. this is how it must be, and live begrudging life? We live each day, swimming along, facing life as it comes, and doing nothing to make it better?

A fiat should be given a second look. Fiat means Thy will be done. It means opening to God's will. But what is it that God wills us to be? He wants us to be happy, comfortable, living life to the fullest. However, circumstances that are not much to what we want come along. It can be lost of a loved one, broken relationships, financial problem, lost prestige, sickness , and many others that can make one so frustrated and unhappy. One can wallow in pain and despair or be resigned to His will.

Emotional turbulence is never healthy. It can cause more harm than good. Medical bulletins state that this can cause heart attack and even cancer. Struggles to feel upright may be difficult, but efforts towards it must be exerted. One way is to Let go, and Let God. Entrust in Him what may seem difficult, and all will be well. Mama Mary, who graciously said her fiat when she accepted to be the mother of God, is worth edifying. There is nothing more liberating than to subject oneself to the divine will. That is the greatest FIAT.

Looking back, in my College Days at Concordia College, and as one of the editors of the school paper, the late Sor Maria Santos, DC asked me to write an article. I wrote a poem entitled FIAT. She had it printed at the back of the school paper which was in the form of a magazine. It simple expressed my openness to what God wanted me to be. Guess my life is a constant Fiat. Guess it has made me what I am. And with that my gratitude to my ever loving God and the people He deemed to come my way. Up to the end I will keep this openness because, after all, this is all that matters, always to keep the faith and live life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cory's Magic

Today Tita Cory's earthly remains is being put to rest. Her magic is working again. She is uniting the whole nation. Thousands of Filipinos line up the street to get a glimpse of their beloved former president. No political color is evident. Why not? After all she was an instrument in regaining our democracy. The housewife was chosen by God to lead the nation to what it is now - free from dictatorship.

As I write this the cortege bearing Tita Cory's earthly remains is moving toward where she will be buried, a simple burial place beside her beloved husband Ninoy. How do I feel? I wish that I could be there with the rest of my countryman, giving honor to my former president. Being old and sick I cannot do that anymore. However, there is much that can be done by people like me, pray. Each bead of the rosary is as powerful than any physical presence, if not more.I humbly pray that this Cory magic stays on, uniting everyone in the government, and wishing that there be a change of heart of those in power so that the spirit of Edsa will live on.

Soon all this will be over. The elegant funeral march will end. Each will go home, tired, happy, sad, all mixed emotions. The shout of Cory, Cory, a show of love and respect, will die down. The mixture of the rich and the poor will again disappear, each going to the lives they have been used to, the rich to their elegant houses, the poor to their humble homes. I hope and pray that Cory's magic of uniting them will work. I pray that there will less of the poor, hungry, unschooled, sick without means of medical attention. I will offer my Hail Mary for the rich that they also will give and sacrifice more for those who don't have much in life. May the promise land be given to all.

To you, my revered former President Cory, sleep now in peace. You are now with God, Mama Mary, Ninoy, Cardinal Sin, Sister Lucia of Fatima, and the rest of the angels and saints. Look down on us and pray that your magic lives on.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Farewell, Not Goodbye

Dear Angie,

I learned that you have gone ahead of us, to that heavenly abode that we all are destined to be. Will I feel sad? Happy?

The earthly friendship is now put to rest. I will not see you anymore in humanity, but for sure, there will be a heaven to look forward to. All the friends who have gone ahead of us, including you now, will have a grand celebration with our Savior, Jesus Christ. And with Mama Mary and the throne of angels, you will all be singing hymns to the Lord. One day, in God's time, I will join you. Great, isn't it.

We will savor the memories at Xavier School. Those were great moments. There is no greater profession than to teach. Like you, I love every moment of it. Never mind the midnight candles burned in pursuit of our goals. Each flicker was an offering. Say hello to Jesus, the great Teacher, for me.

Farewell, dear friend. It is not goodbye. Your children now have an angel watching over them. It has been said that the role of motherhood is eternal. It goes beyond the grave. May you children find this a consolation .

See you later, in God's apportioned time.

Angie Rosales- Cruz
July 31, 2009
12 pm

Monday, July 27, 2009

March On To Life

I am writng this to express the sad feeling burning inside me.

I just got a sad news, my friend and fellow teacher at Xavier School just had a massive heart attack, and is now confined at the ICU of a hospital. We were together for many years , teaching, enjoying the fruits of a noble profession, that of seeing our students learn I still have in my cellphone her text inviting me to attend the activities for our former student, Gibo, ( Gilberto Teodoro ). I would have loved to be there, but I, too, am sick, sick enough to be with them. I have a weak heart. I missed the get together, the fun of seeing each other, and see how we moved into our senior years. At the same time , I missed meeting our former students who have become what they are now.

To my friend, Angie, I write this poem.

March On To Life

Amidst all the pains in life
You were there, fighting it out.
You bravely embraced the challenges
Comfortably you were in God's embrace.

Fight on now , march on
Today is the greatest fight of them all
We open our arms for God's grace
And pray that He makes you well.

Beneath the pain a rainbow appears
The shining colors speak so well
God in His mercy will see you through
For wasn't He a teacher too?

March on to life...yes, my friend
We march with you in silent prayers
Mama Mary's mantle shall envelop you
With her, graces will abound you.

Written by Angelina Rosales- Cruz
July 27, 2009
Written at home