Friday, July 31, 2009

Farewell, Not Goodbye

Dear Angie,

I learned that you have gone ahead of us, to that heavenly abode that we all are destined to be. Will I feel sad? Happy?

The earthly friendship is now put to rest. I will not see you anymore in humanity, but for sure, there will be a heaven to look forward to. All the friends who have gone ahead of us, including you now, will have a grand celebration with our Savior, Jesus Christ. And with Mama Mary and the throne of angels, you will all be singing hymns to the Lord. One day, in God's time, I will join you. Great, isn't it.

We will savor the memories at Xavier School. Those were great moments. There is no greater profession than to teach. Like you, I love every moment of it. Never mind the midnight candles burned in pursuit of our goals. Each flicker was an offering. Say hello to Jesus, the great Teacher, for me.

Farewell, dear friend. It is not goodbye. Your children now have an angel watching over them. It has been said that the role of motherhood is eternal. It goes beyond the grave. May you children find this a consolation .

See you later, in God's apportioned time.

Angie Rosales- Cruz
July 31, 2009
12 pm

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