Sunday, August 9, 2009


Life is not always a bed of roses. This is almost a rundown statement. When matters don't turn out the way we want them to be, we always say this. I ask, is there more to this? Is it just a matter of shrugging our shoulders and saying, what can we expect. this is how it must be, and live begrudging life? We live each day, swimming along, facing life as it comes, and doing nothing to make it better?

A fiat should be given a second look. Fiat means Thy will be done. It means opening to God's will. But what is it that God wills us to be? He wants us to be happy, comfortable, living life to the fullest. However, circumstances that are not much to what we want come along. It can be lost of a loved one, broken relationships, financial problem, lost prestige, sickness , and many others that can make one so frustrated and unhappy. One can wallow in pain and despair or be resigned to His will.

Emotional turbulence is never healthy. It can cause more harm than good. Medical bulletins state that this can cause heart attack and even cancer. Struggles to feel upright may be difficult, but efforts towards it must be exerted. One way is to Let go, and Let God. Entrust in Him what may seem difficult, and all will be well. Mama Mary, who graciously said her fiat when she accepted to be the mother of God, is worth edifying. There is nothing more liberating than to subject oneself to the divine will. That is the greatest FIAT.

Looking back, in my College Days at Concordia College, and as one of the editors of the school paper, the late Sor Maria Santos, DC asked me to write an article. I wrote a poem entitled FIAT. She had it printed at the back of the school paper which was in the form of a magazine. It simple expressed my openness to what God wanted me to be. Guess my life is a constant Fiat. Guess it has made me what I am. And with that my gratitude to my ever loving God and the people He deemed to come my way. Up to the end I will keep this openness because, after all, this is all that matters, always to keep the faith and live life.

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